Friday, July 28, 2006


As an active addict there are times in my day when it seems the insane emotional ups & downs will never end. It's all about understanding and gauging our abilities to handle things..staying away from those situations we're uncomfortable least until we are stronger..and surrounding ourselves with the simple stuff..or sitautons we can trust. Build over time..slowly...little tiny wee baby steps.

Ah 'trust' now there's a word that packs a punch in my's one thing to not trust others..but when you can't trust're really in a fix aren't you...yep..a nice tight spot all by your lonsome and of your own making to boot.

I think for at least a year (some more..some less..some forever and a day (like it's turning out to be in my case), after coming off of dope our emotions are so brand spanking new to us..really they've been in lock down haven' they ...pushed back by the dope that numbed/s them. Like just the other day I was watching this movie called "In Her Shoes,' I found my eyes starting to tear up every now and again..and there really wasn't anything that sad about it. I kinda laughed this nervous little laugh..wiped my eyes and mumbled to my stunned cats who were all sitting around the living room watching me intently "Yep mum is losing it for her no mind..she doesn't have a clue why she's going on like this either.' I hit the pause button and up I get..treking into the kitchen for some comfort food..shaking my head at my reaction. After fixing an extra large portion of comfort I gathered myself up and headed back into the living room..grabbed a box of kleenex on the way..hit the 'play' button and began digging into the bowl of 'double chocolate fudge ice-cream with jello..cream and fudgeo cookies' added to the mix. The cool sweet sweet mixture is doing its sugar fix duty and blurring the last few minutes from my mind.

All appears well in my world again and I laugh at some of the goings on in the movie. No sonner have I ha-ha-ed and forgotten when I spot teardrops hitting the melting pot of ice-cream in my bowl...then I just couldn't stop..all hell broke loose..they came out like a 40 day and 40 night flood..only unlike Noah's flood there seemed to be no end in site

I don't know about other people but for some reason when I cry the tear/s usually come out of one tear duct/eye. Only when things are really serious do I tear from both eyes..okay..well I was crying from both tear ducts like the rest of the world...a sure clue to me that something was indeed amiss. Now I'm all alone at home except for my beloved cats..yet I am not allowing myself to make any sounds..and my body is so stiff so tense you'd think I was standing at the frontlines of a war..crying but no crying sounds are coming from me. And maybe that's exactly what is was..the war inside of me begging for some outcome..any outcome..any reaction from my former self..only not this stiff..rigid piece of work I seemed to be.

I think to myself..why..why won't you help release all this pent up 'whatever' that's literally fighting to be heard..squeezing..bulldozing itself out of two teeny ducts in the form of salted tears and chemicals..screaming for release? So release.

There was nothing left for this former shell of myself to do but finally acquiesce..give myself permission to make some let my body shake..rattle and humble with a good old fashioned cryfest..yes that aught to do something..change something. Only when I do..the cracked gutteral noise coming from somewhere deep down inside of me sound so absolutely and completely foreign to my ears...I freeze up again..become silent..become the the heart-less tin woman like in the Wizard of if lot's of people are watching me do this..I clam right up..I actually turn red for myself.

I could feel my cheeks burning a deep shade of red..embarassed..bare if every one of my emotions..faults and fears were laid out for all the world to see. I felt I'd been stun-gunned at the sudden realization.

I had forgotten how to cry

And I felt shame.

I felt shame..even when the only world watching..

was me.

When did this happen to me..when did I abandon my God or 'whatever given' right to show be a feeler? quickly as the tears had come..I felt fear..I was very, very afraid for myself...this self.

And how bizarre is it that I try and comfort others who have the guts to lay their souls wide open..does this mean I am a hypocrate..does this mean I can only 'feel' vicariously through them..and more did the little girl that was me so long ago survive when she was no longer allowed..given permission to cry. Did she even realise it was being taken from her...did she understand the drug-walk that began so innocently in her very first year of adolescence would lead to this..all these 36 years later. Like some fairy tale twisted into a hairy-scarey-tale..gone horribly wrong..the ending is yet unclear.

I had become a puppet master of myself…controlling every aspect..covering every raw emotion..pulling my own strings.

And as human beings..we simply 'have' to do raw..we are good at raw..raw feeds our souls...without raw we are truly baked..finished..full of shit.

I was a mess...

am a mess..

but it seems for now in all its abandon..savagery & glory is alotting me the time & space to attempt a do-over.. to learn....and thaw out from this self-imposed find the raw inside again..and for that I am ever greatful.

Learn I shall..and in time...cry I I was meant to.


  1. hey Mary..

    I added you to msn.. i hope you don't mind.. i can't figure out how to reply to comments properly.. i must admit i'm not a big fan of the layout of this blog.. but ah well.. anyway.. hope to talk soon.

  2. Nope don't mind at all...what part of replying are you having a time with. Some people choose in their options to hae a new pop-up window open when some one replies..and some have word-verification to stop spammer. I don't as I've never has a problem with it. The 'sign-in as a different user' option requires a registration of some sort.

    If you need help with blogger let me know. There is another one called sure if it's any easier though.

    Take a look at my chosen layout and you can get some ideas maybe:

  3. I tried to comment this morning but couldn't because I was crying too hard after I read your post and couldn't think of a thing to say. Wow - you said it so good. Even though I wanted to say something, I just couldn't. I guess I needed to reflect on some of my own heartache and regret and then just be silent. I don't know what to say now, either. I just know I had to come back and read this post by you once again because it was so beautiful, yet very sad to me, too. I cope with my darkness in a strange way. I bombard my head with memories I cherish. Maybe it is the only way I know to move out of the dark, and lately - the dark seems to be getting darker. I don't really like being alone, but then again -- I do like it. I don't like that I like it, though (if that makes sense). Somtimes I get very sad at the thoughts that I would rather be alone 95% of the time (well - with my cats and my dogs:) I have to have them ! I think I try hard to convince myself that one day I will feel that familiar feeling of the joy of anticipating a someone special in my life to share the rest of it with. But that familiar feeling just doesn't come, BUT -- I know in the maddness of this "feeling" that I'm truly scared to death of being all alone.

    That was a beautiful thing you wrote. And oh! Guess what song I heard on the radio this afternoon after I read your post this morning (and the post below). Black Crowes -- She Talks to Angels. Good song. Great song. One of the best I know.

    Hugs to you.

    Yikes ... sorry for the long-winded comment - lol. Thanks for letting me be here.

    wys / jt

  4. Mary, I know exactly what you mean. It's always that feeling that makes me use again. The big hollow heart, unstoppable flooding emotions, so sensitive to everything, even a news story, that I want to die. Everything feels so big. It's an intense way to feel for even a day, but looking forward to months of it? That's scary.

  5. Where are u these days lady?

  6. Sorry I've not been posting..lost a good friend this last week and have been in a funk.
    Jt..thanks so much for the words they always mean alot to me.

    Tui it's good to hear from you too girl.

    And dear Kat I'll stop by soon.,,thanks for asking after me.

    Hope you're all well.



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